Art and Complexity

I am also part of the “Art and Complexity” subject group at Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad (C3) at UNAM.

For the past year, I’ve been running a Facebook Live/Youtube show called “Atractores Artísticos”, where we combine the basics of complexity science with art, poetry, literature, and music.

You can go to the C3’s facebook page and find all of the videos, as well as going to youtube to see them as well.

Here are some of the videos.

José Lucano – Cantautor Argentino
Dr. José Antonio López – Los tres ases y la música de Juan Neri – Primera Parte
Jorge Vallejo Marín – Guitarrista Clásico
Profa. Vibeke Betances Lacourt – La interpretación en la música
Dr. Pedro Juan Rivera – Segundo concierto
Dr. Pedro Juan Rivera – Primer Concierto